the Shape machine studio

Coding for Architecture

My first research studio featured a software known as “The Shape Machine”. It was built at the Georgia Institute of Technology by my professor Athanassios Economou -Ph.D, and is the first and only software to use shape grammar.

Research Paper 2

Research Paper 3

The goal of the studio was to understand the software, use it to translate classical architecture from self-developed, scripted shape grammer rules, and then apply our knowledge in our own architectural pursuits, while searching for ways to make it better, or rationally applicable in practice.

In my toying, My research led to me to develop a powerful trick, which enabled the Shape Machine to work cooperatively with grasshopper (scripting modeling software), causing the shape machine to generate 3D shapes off of certain input. This gave me a finished project, as well as a development for the software.

Here is a short demonstration of my script at play. If you follow along the script below, you can see the transformations done.